Our Blog
Fungal Nails: Topical vs. Laser Treatment
Summer is finally here, and yet for many people there is really no reason to celebrate. Why? Simply put, because of unsightly toenail fungus! And if you have been dealing with this issue, then you already know that thick, crumbling, yellowed looking toenails can be...
You Don’t Have to Live With Fungal Nails!
When you look down at your feet, what do you see? We certainly hope that what you see are clear, healthy looking toes and nails! But if you are like millions of Americans suffering from toenail fungus, then you likely have yellowed, thickened, and distorted toenails...
What Can Custom Orthotics Do for You (And Your Feet)?
When was the last time you actually thought about the wellbeing of your feet and ankles? Chances are it has been a while – if ever! The reality is, on a typical day, most of us don’t really give much attention to these hardworking appendages. That is, of course, until...
The ABCDE’s of Spotting Cancer
Did you already buy your sunscreen bottle for the summer? If so, that’s awesome! We encourage all our patients to protect their skin from harmful UV rays during the summer (and throughout the year). After all, skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer out...
Don’t Let an Ingrown Toenail Ruin Your Summer Fun!
Finally, summer is right around the corner. This means sunny afternoons by the pool, delicious barbeques with family and friends, or simply relaxing during a trip to the beach as you soak up some rays (while using appropriate skin protection, of course!). Most of us...
Heel Pain Treatments: Orthotics or Laser Therapy?
Heel pain can be a very complex problem, with a lot of different possible causes and contributing factors. As a result, there are also many different treatment options available, and the most effective set of procedures for your situation might not be exactly the same...
Can’t Put Weight on Your Heel? (Here’s What You Need to Do!)
Whenever heel pain comes into the picture, life is just not the same. And if you are one of the many Americans today dealing with this more-than-inconvenient condition, then you likely already know that heel pain can keep you from doing the things you love, like...
Prevent Fungal Nails with ShoeZap
Fungal toenails – this is a common foot condition that is just as unpleasant and embarrassing as it sounds. But something you may not be aware of is that fungal infections tend to occur more often in our toenails rather than in our fingernails. This is because...
Heel Pain and Orthotics: The Perfect Match
If you suffer from heel pain, you are not alone. Studies have shown that each year more than 2 million Americans also deal with the same problem. And that is why we are here to help you kick this annoying setback to the curb! The human foot and ankle are comprised of...